EliteUSA Attends Louis Vuitton’s Bicentennial Birthday Party in Dubai

The official LV Founder’s Bicentennial Birthday invitation

Monsieur Louis Vuitton was born in Anchay, France in 1821. This year, Maison Louis Vuitton celebrated their founder’s two-hundredth birthday in honor of the late Monsieur Vuitton’s prolific legacy.

eliteUSA Founder, Ella Abdul, had the pleasure of attending the starlit soiree last night—Thursday, February 10, 2022.

“It was a spectacular evening,” Ella says. “It was a beautiful celebration with incredible atmosphere, music, food and company. Not to mention, the evening’s piece-de-resistance—fireworks!”

Fireworks, celebrating the great Monsieur Louis Vuitton (left) Everyone who attended received a book on Louis Vuitton as well as a signature luggage tag (right)

The Bicentennial Birthday party took place at the legendary Summersalt Beach Club, across from Dubai’s seven star hotel—Burj Al Arab. 

“It was an honor and delight to attend. A moment in time I will never forget” —Ella Abdul

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